

This 1960D small date Lincoln cent has been subjected to three clash events. The above overlay shows the relative position of the dies when they did clash through the strongest of the three events.

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This clash event is one of the more common seen throughout this series. The partial  letters from the word STATES are seen clashed into the area below Lincoln’s bust, while the corresponding clash mark is seen as a line through the word STATES.  The overlay shows the relative position of the dies when they did clash.

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The overlay provided shows the relative position of the dies when they did clash. Due to the curvature of the dies involved during a clash event, it is felt that the clash mark formed by the roof of the Lincoln memorial building constitutes a different clash event not connected with the clash marks left by the word STATES. Pictured below is one of the three clash events. The reverse shows no sign of the reciprocal clash mark.


A rather old clash event can be seen as the line formed by the top of Lincoln’s head as that clash mark passes through the word ONE. This clash event is restricted to just the reverse die only.


These clash events can be identified by the following die markers:

Obverse – very heavy vertical die scratching through the word LIBERTY.


Reverse – A die crack runs through the top of the letters CEN of CENT.